Friday 24 May 2013

Fight Club (1999) review myself would simply hate having to break the first two rules about Fight Club but it must be done when talking about one of the all-time greatest films. Not only is the story and characters brilliant in this film but so is about every other aspect of the film whether it be the acting, writing, directing, realism or the complexity and layers of the story. What shocks me most about Fight Club is how much I hated it last time that I saw it.

Edward Norton stars in this film as an unnamed narrator whose life has been a struggle since he suffers from insomnia. As a way to discover real pain, Norton begins to attend sessions of testicular cancer and just as he is recovering, once more crosses paths with another imposter named Marla Singer. This causes him to suffer from insomnia once more but when he meets Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden he comes to start a fight club with him which eventually leads into an underground revolution.

The performances in this film are jaw dropping in my eyes, especially by Ed Norton who perfectly portrays that endearing side to him and makes you like the character. His performance is an absolute gem following the brilliance of him from American History X. He shows his frustrations and hopes perfectly and is able to portray a growing friendship with Tyler Durden. However, Ed Norton is not alone in terms of acting. His brilliant performance is rivalled by Brad Pitt who does an incredible job playing a dangerous yet a likeable man. These two do a fantastic performance and elevate the overall quality of the film. Even others, such as Helena Bonham Carter do a great job in this film.

The story is brilliant and clever and completely fresh and unique but there is so much more to Fight Club than what many estimate. Whilst people assume it’s a film about fighting, it most certainly isn’t. It is such a deep film that explores the depth of characters and portrays violence, reality and even elements such as psychology absolutely brilliantly. The plot twist in the film is definitely one of the greatest of all time and completely shocked me even after re-watching it. Yet, the plot twist is most necessary to the film and further explores our protagonist’s character. A brilliant and deeply moving story doesn’t mean much if the characters aren’t interesting, thankfully they were!

Tyler Durden is one of the greatest characters of all time and it isn’t too much of a surprise that he is ranked #1 on Empire’s Top 100 movie characters. He is clever, charming and violent yet friendly for the most part. His character and the way he develops throughout the film is incredibly presented, starting off as just an everyday friend and eventually becoming an underground revolutionary leader who becomes all about destruction. Even other characters, such as Marla Singer are fantastic and her relationship with Tyler is perfectly presented in the film. Never does it feel unrealistic or an attempt to appeal to female movie goers but keeps it in perfect context with the film. Other supporting characters, even those such as Meat Loaf’s Bob are great and add quite a lot of emotion to the story.

David Fincher had a horrible directorial start with Alien3 but was able to start off scrap with Se7en by providing such a dark, gritty yet realistic take on a crime mystery. From there, he was able to provide a similar tone to Fight Club and gave everything from Se7en into Fight Club whether it be the story, writing or directing which were all fantastic in this film. His direction and storytelling is brilliant and the the dialogue is so memorable. However, despite brilliant directing I cannot help but feel that the pacing of the film is relatively slow early on despite the interesting premise and endearing characters. Thankfully, this is a minor issue considering that the ending and overall story by the end makes you completely forget that the film was ever slow.

Fight Club is indeed a masterpiece and it is indeed, now one of my all time favourite films. Whether it’s the characters, story, writing and directing, musical score or the overall complexity and realism of the film, Fight Club is near perfection providing some jaw dropping performances and one of the all time greatest plot twists. 

Grade- 10/10

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